Amuse-Bouche: Shop Names and Word Games

Store names often combine two French obsessions: shopping and jeux de mots.

Walking to dîner with Albert and Maria, we passed their favorite librairie (bookstore, not library): Mona Lisait (Mona was reading). Great calembour (pun)! We don’t do that much in the United States. In …

Amuse-Bouche: French kissing: la langue française.

Just for fun, this “Amuse-Bouche” is in French, about the perils of learning English!

Les Français adorent s’amuser des gaffes que font d’ignorants Américains (et surtout Américaines), venus dans leur pays pour apprendre le français. Ils …

Amuse-Bouche: Kid Stuff — “Comment vas-tu, yau de poêle ?”

“C’est quoi, un yau ?”

“C’est quoi un yau ?” asks Auguste, reading his mél (slang for email, officially known as courriel, from Canadian French, a contraction of courrier éléctronique). Auguste quotes the perplexing sentence: “Comment vas-tu, yau de poêle?” It’s not in the …

Amuse-Bouche: Couples Troubles

Bilingual love can be murky …

Chantal, une ado (adolescent) who speaks excellent English with virtually no accent, is just back from two weeks as a paying guest with an English family who promised une immersion totale in English living. …

Amuse-Bouche: Numéros, nombres, et chiffres

Un chiffre can also be a secret code.

Last night we spent la fête de Saint-Sylvestre (New Year’s Eve) with Michel in the country, and today, le jour de l’an (New Year’s Day), on a fait la grasse matinée (literally, everyone made a fat …